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Instructional Support 

Welcome GHP Instructors. Thank you for being a part of our team. The GHP is committed to creating a diverse, inclusive and supportive enrovironment for faculty, staff and students. This page is a resource for you to navigate the tools available to you.

We ask all instructors to view the following:


  • Facilities Management - (858) 534-2930 (for classroom assistance such as locked doors, missing chairs)
  • Tech Support in the Classroom  (858) 534-5784 for immediate assistance or email
  • CANVAS - contact or call 858-822-3315.
  • Campus Police - For emergencies call or text 911 or for non-emergency - (858) 534-HELP (4357)
  • CAPS (Counseling Services for Students) - Contact

Helpful Resources:


Virtual Teaching Resources

See our Virtual Teaching Resources Guide


Text in this section from Will Styler: Resources for Faculty Moving to Online Teaching 

Helpful resources

  • Contact Canvas support staff: 858-822-3315

U.S. Department of Education Requiring Documentation of Commencement of Academic Activity

U.S. Department of Education Requiring Documentation of Commencement of Academic Activity

Starting in summer 2022, UC San Diego instructors will be required to certify whether students have commenced academic activity to satisfy the requirement set forth by the ED. This certification should be done by the end of the second week of instruction in fall, winter, and spring quarters, and by the end of the first week of each summer term. A student only needs to be certified once per course, per term.  

There are two options for verifying a student’s commencement of academic activity.

  • The first is an electronic form that is a part of the new Academic Activity Tracking System. This form will allow the instructor to identify those students who have not satisfied the commencement of academic activity criteria. 
  • Alternatively, instructors may choose to track the commencement of academic activity through Canvas. IT Services and the Teaching + Learning Commons have partnered to develop activities that satisfy the ED criteria for commencement of academic activity.

Instructor FAQ: click here

Student FAQ: click here  

Course Scheduling

General Timeline for Scheduling:

The Global Health Program reaches out to faculty for course offerings and time preferences. Teaching time preferences are then proposed to the campus scheduling office which oversees scheduling requests for the entire campus and places the courses.

Typical scheduling request timeline:

  • Request for Fall teaching times sent out February
  • Request for Winter teaching times sent out June
  • Request for Spring teaching times sent out August/September
  • Call for Summer proposals sent out October

Also see: Schedule of Classes Publication Schedule

Teaching Preferences:

  • Standard Teaching Times
    • Faculty must submit at least one MWF time preference for each quarter
    • Courses requested for standard teaching times will be assigned to classrooms first
  • Classroom Details - Learn more about the capacity and features of each classroom

Room Reservations

Please contact

We will contact the registrar's office on your behalf to reserve space on campus.

Please include the following in your request:

Date, Time, Room size needed, Course number and Reason for request (e.g. course review session)

Creating a New Course

Global Health Program Affiliated faculty who wish to create a new course need to submit the following form:

Once the form is submitted, the request requires Director approval and approval from the academic senate. See: Course Approval Workflow. Please submit requests 6+ months prior to the quarter you plan to teach the course.

Trouble Accessing Blink Tools

Instructions to check and get access to instructional tools:

  1. Please check that you have access to the blink instruction tool “CLASS LISTS. ”
  2. If you don’t have access, it likely means you have not completed the FERPA TRAINING. This link should direct you to the training. If it does not work, you can go to UC learning and search FERPA - Confidentiality of Student Records and Privacy Rights.
  3. COMPLETE TRAINING one week prior to instructional quarter start date. Once completed, send to the evidence of completion (screen shot or forward the email of completion that will be sent to the email)
  4. Once this is received, access will be requested for you. If your primary department is not GHP, this process may take longer because we will have to ask your department’s DSA to request the access.

* If you have any problems throughout this process, contact Anita Wu, AP/HR Coordinator & DSA for GHP  

GLBH 198/199 Independent Research

Global Health majors and minors may enroll in up to two special studies courses (GLBH 197, 198, 199) with Global Health Program Affiliated Faculty for academic credit.

Special Studies Details


Syllabi Resources

We encourage GHP instructors to review the CUGH Global Health Competencies Toolkit.

Statements to include on your course syllabi:

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities: Students requesting accommodations for this course due to a disability must provide a current Authorization for Accommodation (AFA) letter issued by the Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD) which is located in University Center 202 behind Center Hall. Students are required to present their AFA letters to Faculty (please make arrangements to contact me privately) and to the OSD Liaison at the Global Health Program in advance so that accommodations may be arranged. 

Statement on Academic Integrity: “Academic Integrity is expected of everyone at UC San Diego. This means that you must be honest, fair, responsible, respectful, and trustworthy in all of your actions. Lying, cheating or any other forms of dishonesty will not be tolerated because they undermine learning and the University’s ability to certify students’ knowledge and abilities. Thus, any attempt to get, or help another get, a grade by cheating, lying or dishonesty will be reported to the Academic Integrity Office and will result sanctions. Sanctions can include an F in this class and suspension or dismissal from the University. So, think carefully before you act. Before you act ask yourself the following questions: a) is my action honest, fair, respectful, responsible & trustworthy and, b) is my action authorized by the instructor? If you are unsure, don’t ask a friend—ask your instructor, instructional assistant, or the Academic Integrity Office. You can learn more about academic integrity at” (Source: Tricia Bertram Gallant, Ph.D., UCSD Academic Integrity Office, 2017)

Statement on Learning Management System (if using Canvas): "This course will be using an online learning management system (LMS) to manage content and grades. Currently, there are two LMSs, TritonEd and Canvas. This particular course will be managed using Canvas, our newest LMS, while some of your other courses may appear in TritonEd. The Course Finder page ( will display all of your TritonEd and Canvas courses. Therefore, it is recommended that you use the Course Finder page to access your classes. Select the login button and enter your Active Directory credentials. If you have not used Canvas before, refer to the student help guides and videos, which are located on the left-side menu’s help section (the question mark icon). Should you need any technical assistance with Canvas, please alert your instructor and send an email to In the header of the email, please write “Canvas”. Make sure to include your name, course title (ANTH/GLBH 1XX), as well as your contact information in the email body. A representative will get back to you within 48 hours (Monday through Friday)."

Other statements to consider:

  • Statement on Academic Integrity: Please review the resources provided by UC San Diego's Academic Integrity Office.
  • Statement on Attendance: What are acceptable/unacceptable reasons for missing class? What should a student do if they have to miss class? What are the consequences of an unexcused absence?
  • Late Papers or Missed Exams: What should a student do if a paper will be late or if an exam will be missed? What are the consequences?

Office Hours + Space

Instructors are expected to hold two office hours per week.

Instructors may utilize the library to offer office hours throughout the quarter. Additional details on reserving space can be found here. 

Book Adoptions

If you plan to require a book for your course, you will need to submit a book adoption form to the UCSD Bookstore the quarter before.

Canvas Course Page

All UC San Diego courses will now be moving to a new Learning Management System (LMS) called Canvas. The transition begins in Winter 2019, and will be completed by Spring 2020.

For more information, contact or call (858) 822-3315.

Textbooks & Desk Copies

Requesting Desk Copies

If you need a desk copy of a textbook, please submit your request 3+ weeks before you need the book to allow for processing and shipping time. 

Book Adoption for Courses

Submit your course materials to the UC San Diego Bookstore ideally by the end of Week 3 of the previous quarter (deadlines established by Bookstore). The Textbook Department will accept all late submissions, but please note that they may be subject to publisher out-of-stock conditions and other factors that may cause delays.

Course Book Loans - TAs/Readers

TAs and Readers are asked to contact the Undergraduate Advisor to recieve the text books for the courses they are employed. These books are strictly on loan and students will be asked to return the books at the end of the quarter.

Library Course Reserves

Course-related materials can be made available for students through the UCSD Libraries. Place items "on reserve" for a class such as: textbooks, journal articles, videos, book chapters, practice exams etc.

Accessing Class List

In blink, under instruction tools, you can access your class list. You can also send messages to your class through this tool and see student photos. 

Step to download a Class List

  1. On Blink, go to the Instruction Tools tab located on the top navigation bar or in the Toolbox.
  2. Select Class Lists. You will be prompted to log-in through Single Sign-On.
  3. Input your course number.
  4. Under Options select "Download" for Class List. Please note there is a column for class list and another one for wait list. Make sure you select the correct option.
  5. The next screen will have several downloadable options. Use the default section which is "Standard".
  6. Under "File type" select either PC-File or Mac_File. Submit Download.
  7. The class list will be downloaded as a rich-text file. Copy and paste all the information in to an EXCEL spreadsheet. If your settings are different the document might automatically download as an EXCEL spreadsheet.

Steps to print a Class List: You also have the option of ONLY printing out your class list. Follow steps 1-4 from above. Then under Options select "Print Class Roster" for Class List and then click on the "Select Section" button right below. Please note there is a column for class list and another one for wait list. Make sure you select the correct option. One the next page there will be a link to print your class list. The list will be downloaded to your computer as a pdf document. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this information. 

Book Scanning Request

Course Reserves are course-related materials made available, either electronically or physically, through the UC San Diego Library.

Items that may be on reserve for a class include images, audio files, journal articles, videos, book chapters, course readers, etc. Course reserves will scan up to 25% of a textbook to provide electronically for your course. Please submit requests 2-3 weeks in advance of when you need them.

Students with Disabilities (OSD) / Triton Testing Center

Accommodating Students with Disabilities

The Office for Students with Disabilities works with students who have documented disabilities and determines what reasonable accommodations we must provide for these students.

Students should bring the instructor and department offering the course an official Authorization for Accommodation form signed by the Office for Students with Disabilities, which describes the accommodations needed at the beginning of the quarter. Typically, students need additional time on exams and/or a quiet location to take the exam.

New beginning Fall 2022/Winter 2023 - The Triton Testing Center!

The Triton Testing Center (TTC) is a centralized testing service for the campus community. The TTC offers convenient, easy-to-use, and integrity-centric testing services to UCSD students across all departments.

Scheduling Timelines

  • Students must schedule tests with the TTC at least 3 days in advance.
  • Instructors are asked to register their tests with the TTC by the end of Week 2. All registrations must be received no later than 5 days before the opening of the desired testing window.

**At this time The TTC is not set up to proctor computer-based tests. However, if this is a need you see continuing beyond FA22, please contact the Director of the TTC, Dr. Tricia Bertram Gallant, to discuss in reference to informing the permanent TTC proposal.

Examination Policy

Educational Policy Committee Policies on Final Examinations

Final examinations may not be given at any time before examination week without explicit approval of EPC.

Take home papers must be due the date/time of the scheduled final exam.

About exams: Read about midterm exams, final exams, retention of exam papers and the processes that support exams.

Instructors/Department must retain exam papers for at least one full quarter after the exam period, unless the papers have been returned to the students.

Department Exam Drop Box

  • Please do not direct students to submit paperwork in your mailbox. The mailroom is not an appropriate place for undergraduate students. Nor should you direct students to drop off exams in the front desk area.
  • The drop box is conveniently located outside where students may drop off exams securely 24/7. Currently there is no time stamp, if this is an issue for your course, please let us know so we can discuss solutions.
  • We will check the drop box every day during finals week, but if you have another assignment due at a different time in the quarter, please let us know when the due date is so that the drop box can be checked. 

Department Final Exam Bins

  • Rather than distributing final exams after your course is over, we offer an alternative to handing back your own exams - Final Exam Bins - where exams from the previous quarter may be retrieved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by your students.
    • Step 1: Provide your students with information about the Buckley Waiver and have them sign the waiver at the time of the exam. Advise them to pick up their exams from the 2nd floor Final Exam Bins located between the administrative office and faculty office wing, by the elevator. 
    • Step 2: Once your exams are graded and the grades are recorded, give your exams that have signed Buckley Waivers to the Undergraduate Coordinators, all exams with a signed Buckley Waiver will be placed in one of the cubbies.
    • Step 3: At the end of the quarter, exams from the previous quarter that have not been picked up will be shredded. 

How to get students to sign the Buckley Waiver

  • Students sign the waiver that is printed on the back of the blue books purchased at the bookstore. 
  • Students may write "Buckley Waiver" at the top of their exam/paper and sign their name below these words.
  • Embed the Buckley Waiver in your exam/paper. You can use the electronic copy of the Buckley Waiver or there are hard copies available in the mailroom.

Teaching Assistants and Readers

Readers and TA's may be assigned for courses with enrollment of over 40 students.

Teaching Assistant: A teaching assistant (TA) assists in the instruction of an upper or lower division course at the University under the supervision of a faculty member. The TA primarily assists the faculty member in charge of the course by conducting discussion or laboratory sections that supplement faculty lectures and by grading assignments and examinations.

A TA may also assist with the development of assignments or exams, hold office hours and proctor examinations. In the case of basic language, reading and composition, some other skills-building courses, and a few other courses, a teaching assistant may lead the class meetings, but as with all other TAs, the general instructional content of the course, as well as the official assignment of student grades and decisions on grade appeals, are the responsibility of the faculty member in charge of the course. In no instance shall a teaching assistant be assigned responsiblity for the entire instruction of a course.

Reader: A Reader assists a course instructor by grading homework, papers, or exams and may also hold office hours to answer students' questions about such assignments.

Undergraudate Opportunities:

Undergraduate Instructional Assistants (UIAs): UIA opportunities are available to undergraduate students who meet certain requirements. Students earn four units of upper-division credit with Pass/No Pass grading. The course is not counted toward minor or major requirements for students but they will receive credits.

Students, under direction of instructor, lead discussion sections, attend lectures, review course readings, and meet regularly to prepare course materials and to evaluate examinations and papers. 


  1. Junior or Senior standing
  2. Minimum of a 3.0 GPA
  3. Must have received an "A" in the course

UIAs are typically required to:

  • attend all lectures unless otherwise notified
  • assist with office hours
  • assist with course preparation
  • assist with proctoring exams
  • assist with grading only Scantrons and objective questions

Undegraduate Tutor: A Tutor serves as an assistant in an undergraduate course under the supervision of a faculty member. The faculty instructor is responsible for the course content and for maintaining the overall quality of instruction, including supervision of the Tutor/UGIA. The purpose of the apprenticeship is to learn the methodology of teaching through actual practice in a regularly scheduled course.

Expectations for Satisfactory Performance: At the first instructor-Tutor meeting for the course (attendance mandatory), instructors will outline the actual Tutor duties for their course. However, the duties typically required of all Tutors are:

  • Attend all instructor-Tutor meetings.
  • Attend all lectures of the course for which they are Tutoring.
  • Lead one discussion section.
  • Assist with grading and proctoring.
  • Hold office hours
  • Other duties as needed for a particular course

If you have a student interested in applying, please direct them to apply online and once they apply to notify

English Language Requirement for International Teaching Assistants (TA)

International graduate students who are nonnative speakers of English must be certified as having requisite language skills before they can serve as teaching assistants (TAs; UC San Diego Graduate Division policy in compliance with Assembly Concurrent Resolution No. 41).

Evidence of English Language Proficiency : Certification as Teaching Assistant Cut Off Scores

Students may be certified either on the basis of their score on one of the following:

  • have a TOEFL iBT Speaking subscore of 28-30
  • have an IELTS Speaking subscore of 8.5-9.0
  • have a PTE Speaking sub-score of 83-90, and 2
  • be an international graduate students who serve as language assistants in courses conducted in their native language.

Those students with TOEFL speaking scores of 23 – 27, IELTS speaking scores of 7-8, or PTE speaking scores of 65-82 are required to take the English Language Certification Exam

Students who do not pass the English Language Certification Exam are given the opportunity to improve their language skills.

Those students who are admitted but have a speaking TOEFL score below 23 will not be allowed to take the certification test. Students who fall into this category may acquire the required English language proficiency skills via courses offered in the English Language Institute and the English for Academic and Professional Development Program.

Class Field Trips

If you're planning a Domestic Field Trip for your class:

1)Fill out the Domestic Field Trip Form (complete and submit 30 days before the trip)

2)Have all participants complete and sign the UC San Diego General Waiver form.

Send all materials to

Using Clickers in your course

Using a clicker in your classroom

Request an i>clicker Instructor Kit and receive basic technical training

Contact ETS
phone: (858) 822-1456

Download i>clicker Software

Download the i>clicker software supported at UC San Diego.

Order clickers for your students to purchase

Contact Leslie Verfaillie, Course Materials Buyer, UC San Diego Bookstore
voice: 858-534-6393
fax: 858-822-0261

Faculty Clicker Orders: 
In order to ensure that clickers and books are on the shelves for the first day of class, instructors must place an order with the UC San Diego Bookstore no later than 1 to 2 weeks prior to the beginning of each quarter. Same-day requests can be accommodated, depending on the stock at hand. 

Student Clicker Purchase:
Clickers are available adjacent to the textbook info counter.

Clicker Sell-Back: 
Students may sell their used clicker back to the Bookstore if that clicker will be used the following quarter and if the Bookstore needs extra devices.

Syllabus Suggestions

We suggest that you put clear instructions in your syllabus about a deadline for registering their clickers and an explanation of how to do this.  

Registration Note:
Specify in your syllabus at which location you want your students to register their clicker:

  • If you are using TritonEd, instruct students to register their clicker in TritonEd.  
  • If you are not using TritonEd, instruct students to register their clicker on the website.


For any questions or difficulty entering grades, please contact egrades directly.

Submitting Grades

You will enter a students grade through the online platform called egrades. eGrades is a secure web-based application that instructors use to submit or change final grades for the students in their courses. 

If you have any remaining questions, comments, or concerns regarding eGrades, contact:

  • Academic Records
    • Phone: (858) 534-3144
    • E-mail:
    • Hours: Mon., Tues., Wed., Fri., 8 a.m.-4:30p.m. Thurs. 10 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

or ACT Help Desk, (858) 534-1853

General Grading Policy: Academic Senate Grading Policy

Grade Changes

Grade Changes

  • Once grades for a section have been submitted, eGrades allows grade changes for that section for up to one year.
  • More details here.

Incomplete Grades

Students may be eligible to request an incomplete if circumstances beyond their control are preventing them from completing a class. The deadline for filing a request for an incomplete shall be no later than the first working day after final examination week and the student must be of non-failing quality at the time of the request.

While in eGrades, enter the grade as "I" - a drop-down box will appear where you can list the reason for the incomplete.

The student must complete the work by the date given by the instructor (this date can be no later than the last day of the next quarter's finals, excluding the summer session.) When you are ready to assign the final grade, simply sign in to eGrades and make a grade change. If the student does not complete the work, they will receive a permanent F, NP, or U for the class. 

New Employees

Payroll Info

Lecturers, TA’s and Readers are paid monthly.


Once you have set-up your business log - in you will need to log in to UCPATH to set up your account and update information. 

UCPath is the University of California's systemwide payroll and personnel system, and you’ll have some set-up tasks to complete the first time you log in.

For questions related to payroll issues, please contact

Getting Access to University Systems

Once you have been onboarded in UCPATH you will need to activate your UCSD accounts to gain access to systems and email.

Most employees will need two UCSD accounts - Active Directory and Single Sign On - in order to access UC and campus systems. 

  • Active Directory (AD):  for email, the campus wireless network, Virtual Private Network (VPN), and TritonEd.  This is set up by the department once you have completed employment forms and have been entered into payroll.
  • Business Systems (sometimes referred to as Single Sign-On) : for business tools such as the link family, MyServices, and other central applications

Active Directory Account

These accounts are set-up for all employees by the department and required to access the following systems:

Information about how to change your password.  If you have issues with your account, contact the campus ITS Service Desk, (858) 246-4357 or ext. 6-HELP.

Business Account

A Single Sign-On account is required to access all UC San Diego business systems, including TritonLink (UC San Diego's instructional information system), eGrades and more.

Set-up Two-Step Login

You will need to set up a two-step login. This should set this up AFTER your Active Directory and Single Sign On accounts have been created.

Two-Step Login page on Blink

Questions? Contact or call (858) 246-4357.

Required Training

Once you have your University log-in - 

The University requires completion of FERPA (Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act) training to be granted access to student records.

You can register and/or complete the following training courses online by logging into the UC Learning Center with your single sign-on (SSO) account.  Click on the “Assigned Training” icon for a list of required training.  You can also use the search feature to find them.  


Faculty and lecturers can purchase A, B, or V permit for parking. The program does not subsidize parking for employees.
* If you are experiencing issues with the ParkMobile app, call ParkMobile at (877) 727-5932 or purchase a daily permit through the UC San Diego parking portal.
Buy a permit (UCSD parking portal):
* If you are encountering login issues with the parking portal, contact the department AP Analyst: Allow for 1-2 business days to resolve login issues. 
* If you have issues with viewing or purchasing permits in the parking portal, contact the parking office: (858) 534-4223

Campus Resources

GHP IT Support

Computer support for GHP is provided by the Social Science Computing Facility (SSCF). 


The helpdesk is available from 8am to 4:30pm Monday – Friday (closed 12-1 for lunch) and can be reached at 858-822-2423.

Location:1st floor of Social Sciences Building in SSB 142

SSCF will provide support in the following areas:

  • Setup of new machines
  • Web Hosting
  • Internet Connectivity
  • Email Support
  • Antivirus
  • General Troubleshooting
SSCF will not provide any assistance with IT issues related to illegal file sharing, pirated software, computer games, and legacy (discontinued) software.  "Unsupported" services may be supported by migrating users to a "supported" solution. Out-dated machines will not be supported. If for whatever reason SSCF cannot accommodate a user’s request, they will be referred to the appropriate on-campus support group.

Counseling Services - Students & Faculty

  • Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) provides mental health support for students. To contact CAPS, please call 858-534-3755 or visit them in room 190 of Galbraith Hall.
  • For campus staff and faculty, the Faculty and Staff Assistance Program (FSAP) offers one-on-one counseling sessions. Contact FSAP at 858-534-5523.

Suicide Prevention Resources

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Call 1-800-273-8255 (TALK) or go to for a list of additional resources.

San Diego Access and Crisis Line: Call 1-888-724-7240

Teaching + Learning Commons

UC San Diego Library

Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty Professional Development Fund

Unit 18 Non-Senate Faculty can apply for funding from the professional development fund through campus. Additional details can be found here.

Academic Integrity Resources