Global Health Petitions
For Study Abroad Pre-Approval: submit requests here.
For courses accepted by petition (*) or courses that have already been pre-approved:
Courses that are accepted “by petition”, indicated with an asterisk (*) will not automatically show up on your degree audit. Send a message through the VAC requesting the following:
"Please accept _____________, a Global Health Pre-Approved Course, towards _______________ requirements for my Global Health ___________ (Major/Minor)." *If you received pre-approval for the course, please specify when.
- All other requests can be submitted using the online form below or for any petitions that require additional approval from the college or senate, students must submit a paper undergraduate petition.
This online petition form is only to be used for requests related to your Global Health major/minor requirements.
It can be used for the following requests:
- Receive pre-approval for a transfer or UCSD courses to apply towards the Global Health Major/Minor.
- Petition for a one-time exception related to your Global Health Major/Minor.
- Petition to use a Global Health course accepted by petition towards your degree requirements.
- (Ex: Count ANTH 2, a pre-approved course towards my Global Health major biological elective requirement)
- Petition to count a pre-approved study abroad, transfer or UCSD course towards global health degree requirements (upon completion and once reflected on your UCSD academic history).