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Global Health Program Letter of Recommendation Request

Global Health students who have requested a letter of recommendation from the individuals listed below will be required to complete a recommendation request form.

This form may be used for:

  • Professor Thomas Csordas
  • Professor Janis Jenkins
  • Erin Warren, Undergraduate Advisor 
  • Brittany Wright, Global Health Program Advisor

Please note the following when it comes to requesting a letter:

  • Select professors who have personally come to know your abilities from your written work and your active participation in their course or in a campus group to write your letter of recommendation (earning a good grade in a course is not enough for a professor to write a persuasive, detailed letter of recommendation).
  • Students should give recommenders plenty of time to complete the letter of recommendation--the more time, the better. 
  • Please make sure to provide any specific instructions or questions that may be requested by the program/position.


Once you have received verification from your professor and/or academic advisor that they will write you a letter, please complete the following form: